Saturday, April 2, 2011

Looong time no blog.

Hey so I know,  I know. I have not posted anything for the longest time!
I've been taking a lot of pictures. Some of the most recent are some of my best works.
Take a look.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pictures Office Style.

Recently my great friend Cassie Leigh and I took some pictures at the home of a wonderful lady from church. And she had her little office and I looked like a... well, a secretary. Cassie took the pictures (except the ones of her) and I edited them.  Enjoy! 

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Hello. Today was quite successful. I went to take pictures of a friend from school. And they came out great. I'm happy with them. She is truly beautiful and I'm glad that I had this opportunity. Hope you enjoy.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Snowy Shoots!

So, there was a huge blizzard last night. And there's snow EVERYWHERE and it's piled up high. And lots of snow means... lots of PICTURES! I can't wait to grab one of my friends and take picture after picture. I've been looking through some pictures online and I found one that gave me an idea.

Heels in snow?
My friend is visiting from college and we already discussed the idea and hopefully it'll happen soon! Can't wait.
Oh. I also took some pictures on my new Tri-Pod (Thank you Santa!)
Hmm. What do you think.